
20 2019

The Last Train to London by Meg Waite Clayton

7:00PM - 10:00PM  

J Hamilton 1605 Main Street West
Hamilton, ON L8S 1E6

Contact Gustavo Rymberg
905-648- 0605

Meg Waite Clayton will be presenting on her book , The Last Train to London.

Based on true events, The Last Train to Lon­don tells the sto­ry of a Dutch­woman who, work­ing with British and Aus­tri­an Jews, faces down Adolf Eich­mann to res­cue thou­sands of chil­dren from Nazi-occu­pied Vien­na. In 1936, the Nazis are lit­tle more than brutish bores to fif­teen-year old Stephan, the son of a wealthy and influ­en­tial Jew­ish fam­i­ly, and bud­ding play­wright whose play­ground extends from Vienna’s streets to its intri­cate under­ground tun­nels. Stephan’s best friend, bril­liant Žofie-Helene, is a Chris­t­ian whose moth­er edits a pro­gres­sive, anti-Nazi news­pa­per. But the two ado­les­cents’ care­free inno­cence is shat­tered when the Nazis’ take con­trol. Dutch­woman Tru­us Wijs­muller risks her life, smug­gling Jew­ish chil­dren out of Nazi Ger­many — a mis­sion that becomes even more dan­ger­ous after the Anschluss, as bor­ders close to refugees des­per­ate to escape the Reich. After Britain pass­es a mea­sure to take in child refugees, ​“Tante Tru­us” dares to approach Adolf Eich­mann in a race against time to bring chil­dren like Stephan, his broth­er Wal­ter, and Žofie-Helene on a per­ilous jour­ney to an uncer­tain future.

Meg Waite Clayton is the Language Prize honored, New York Times bestselling author of seven novels, and 100+ essays in major newspapers and magazines, often on the subjects of strong women throughout history, and the challenges women face. She holds degrees in history and psychology from the University of Michigan, and is an Order of the Coif graduate of its law school. 

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