
24 2019

Witness by Ariel Burger

2:00PM - 5:00PM  

J Hamilton 1605 Main Street West
Hamilton, ON L8S 1E6

Contact Gustavo Rymberg
905-648- 0605


Ariel Burger will be presenting on his book, Witness.

Elie Wiesel was a wit­ness, his­to­ri­an, human rights activist and writer, but when asked about his life’s mis­sion, he said ​I am a teacher first.” Elie Wiesel was men­tor, trust­ed friend and advi­sor to author Ariel Burg­er for near­ly twen­ty-five years. This remark­able book gives read­ers a front row seat in Elie Wiesel’s class­room at Boston Uni­ver­si­ty, and allows us to ben­e­fit from his dis­tinct teach­ing style. He cre­at­ed a class­room envi­ron­ment based on trust which encour­aged stu­dents to ques­tion and voice their inner­most thoughts in a safe space. In turn, Wiesel shared his faith, moral com­pass, insights and wis­dom dur­ing an aston­ish­ing jour­ney for both stu­dents and teacher for a peri­od of four decades.

Ariel Burg­er is an author, lec­tur­er, rab­bi and teacher. His close rela­tion­ship with Elie Wiesel had an enor­mous impact on his life. In his work, he hon­ors Wiesel by striv­ing to per­pet­u­ate and teach his mentor’s ​method­ol­o­gy of won­der” to stu­dents and teach­ers alike, because this approach has the ​poten­tial to awak­en stu­dents’ eth­i­cal and moral powers.”

Tickets will be sold at the door on Sunday November 24th at 2pm. 

Location: Hamilton Jewish Federation or J Hamilton