
12 2021

J Movie Club

7:00PM - 9:00PM  

A celebration of Jews on film and films about the Jewish experience. Join film and media professor Benjamin Wright for a monthly Zoom discussion about films that have defined what it means to be Jewish.

What exactly is a Jewish film? The Movie Club will try to answer this question as well as celebrate the contributions of Jewish filmmakers to the history of world cinema. The 12 films chosen for this year’s Movie Club include some beloved favorites and some hidden gems.

Some Jewish films on this list are explicitly about religious themes, where characters talk and argue about their relationship to G-d. In other cases, a “Jewish film” is characterized by its social and cultural atmosphere, where characters are often defined as outsiders, misfits, and social outcasts. These films are Jewish by theme and “feel” as much as they are by the people who made them.

Subscribing to the Movie Club will give you access to the monthly Zoom conference, hosted by Professor Wright, where he will lead a lecture and discussion about each film. Participants are encouraged to bring questions, comments, and conversation topics to each club meeting. It’s an opportunity to engage with each other on the thematic, stylistic, and emotional meanings of Jewish cinema.

Before each club meeting, participants should view the film and take notes that can be used in the discussion period.

Each film is available digitally either from a subscription streaming service such as Netflix, or through a video rental app such as Google Play. If you prefer to watch a physical copy on DVD or Blu Ray, please check Amazon.ca for purchase availability of each title.

Join Us on the Second Tuesday of Each Month Starting on October 12th

First movie discussion is on The Heartbreak Kid (1972)

To register go to the following https://hamiltonjewishfederation.regfox.com/jmovieclub