Chronic Pain Self-Management Workshop
What is chronic pain?
Many people live with chronic pain. Pain that is present all of the time or most of the time for more than three months is considered chronic pain.
What happens at the Chronic Pain Self Management Workshop?
This program is a free 6 week workshop for people who live with ongoing or chronic pain. Each week you will learn new ways to live with your chronic pain and improve the quality of your life. Find out about treatments that are available and best for you.
Discover what to do when:
You have difficult sleeping and feel worn out
You feel closed off from others
You feel like pain is controlling your life
The workshop is also available to caregivers to help them better support their loved ones. Everyone will receive free workshop materials.
To register, please e-mail or call 905-627-9922 x 21. Registrations close on Friday, August 30th.
Sponsor: Hamilton Jewish Social Services, Hamilton Health Sciences