November 2021
Laurie Pringle
It has been said that each of us is a living Chanukah candle capable of spreading our own inner light in the world and living a story of heroism by doing so.
At Shalom Village, we are fortunate to have approximately 300 heroes working within our walls. They are housekeepers, dietary staff, kitchen help, personal support workers, nurses, maintenance and more.
Working in long-term care has always been a labour of love. The people who spend their days, weeks and years working to support our seniors have always been remarkable, dedicated, and loving souls. Those same people have persevered through what is arguably one of the most difficult times to work in healthcare and caring for seniors. And for Shalom Village, the past year, as we know, was exceptionally trying.
During this time, our staff have worked overtime, volunteered to help out with tasks outside of their traditional roles, and done everything possible to not only fulfill their duties, but to do more to make everyday count for the seniors who call Shalom Village home. During the outbreak, some staff slept on-site, taking time away from loved ones over the holidays, to help us navigate through the very worst days of our outbreak.
As many of you are aware, healthcare is experiencing a staff shortage. This type of work isn’t for everyone. There aren’t many people who are willing to step up to care for our most vulnerable seniors. But our incredible staff continue to show up every day, smiling, and ready to put the needs, hopes and desires of Shalom Village seniors first.
Through the darkest of days, these remarkable people enter the room and bring light to the seniors of Shalom Village. They not only provide healthcare, but they also read stories, sing, dance, paint nails, and work tirelessly to bring joy, light and love to each and every resident that calls Shalom Village, home.
Many family members have asked us how they can do more to recognize our staff. This year, we are asking each of you to include our heroes in your prayers and to join us as we recognize the many Shalom Village heroes who have worked so hard to support our seniors and their families, since the beginning of the pandemic.
This year’s holiday campaign will raise funds to provide every Shalom Village employee with a Heroes at Hanukkah Hamper, brimming with goodies, gifts and treats, as a thank you from the community. The Shalom Village Foundation will raise funds and accept donations of suitable goods to pass along to the wonderful people who share their light and their love all year long, and in the most trying of times.
From all of us at Shalom Village Foundation and Shalom Village: Chag Sameach! We hope you enjoy a Hanukkah full of light and love with the heroes in your home! To donate to our Heroes at Hannukah Hamper, visit shalomvillage.ca or contact Laurie Pringle or Kathleen Thomas at Foundation@ShalomVillage.ca. All the money donated will go towards purchasing gifts for our amazing staff.