The Cast:
Samantha, Mike, Reese (13) and Regan (11), plus two maltese poodles and six cats.
In Hamilton:
Born in England, Samantha moved to Dundas at the age of 9. Mike was born and raised in Dundas.
Mike works in sales and marketing in the apartment industry. Samantha is a teacher at Temple Playhouse.
Jewish Education:
The girls, students at Sir William Osler public school in Dundas, attend Temple Anshe Sholom religious school twice a week. Mike: “Laura (Wolfson) and Paula (Baruch) do an excellent job and the kids really feel that they’re cared about.
Community Life:
The Berlin Bromsteins are active members at Temple Anshe Sholom (TAS). Samantha: “Our shul is really precious to us. My kids have been there since in utero, and I spend more time at that shul more than at home sometimes.” In the early years of their marriage they were TAS’s youth group advisors and the coordinators of Generation Aleph, a young adult group. They do their best to attend JCC events, but their attendance has dropped off now that their children are a little older. Samantha: “When your kids are young it’s exciting going to the JCC because all the pre-school kids get to see each other, but when they’re older, they’re not as interested.”
Community Wish List:
Relocating the JCC — Mike: “I definitely would love to see the JCC located in a more appropriate spot, so that more people use it.”
Volunteer commitment:
Over a 10-week period in the Fall of 2012, Samantha volunteered her time for the Temple fundraiser, “What a Girl Wants.” “You drop the kids off for Hebrew school and you go fold clothes for two hours.”
Do you see a thriving community in the future?
Mike: “It’s hard to get people to fill positions because our generation is extremely busy, but if there are things the Temple needs help with, we’re there. As the kids get older we’ll start doing more.”