The Jewish Federations of North America Mandel Center for Leadership Excellence, in partnership with the Florence Melton School of Adult JewishLearning and the Hamilton Jewish Federation, is pleased to offer Yesod, a leadership program designed to prepare future Federation and Jewishcommunity leaders.
Yesod, the Hebrew word for foundation, aptly describes this vital initiative of the Hamilton Jewish Federation.The leaders of a community are the foundation upon which a community is built and their success is inextricably linkedto the success of the Federation system. The goal of YESOD is to support communities in building a pipeline of excel-lent volunteer leadership. Yesod will help our community build sustainable volunteer leadership succession plans.The Yesod program consists of eight highly interactive sessions and will provide participants with the tools and tech-niques to develop their own leadership skills.
Hamilton Faculty
David Shoreis a professor in the Department of Psychology, Neuroscience and Behaviour at McMaster University, where he serves as the principal investigator in the Multisensory Perception Laboratory. His main area of study is human perception and cognition with an emphasis on how humans integrate information from multiple sensory systems.
Within the Jewish community, David has played an integral part in developing the Kehila Jewish Community Day School. He has served on the board for more than 12 years, three times as school chair. He is currently engaged with the school developing a donor relations initiative. David also served on the Hamilton Jewish Federation board for two years and was on the committee to restructure Federation bylaws. All of this work was supported by his engagement with the Genesis leadership initiative more than 15 years ago.
In his role as Yesod facilitator, David brings both an academic perspective and practical leadership experience in the Hamilton Jewish community.