Community News

Ottawa Street then and now

September 2013
by Wendy Schneider

They're selling perfume and chocolate in Saul Eisenberg's former store on Ottawa Street. The one-time proprietor of Liberty House Furniture still enjoys an occasional stroll through the neighbourhood that launched him into a successful entrepreneur back in …

The golden years of Jewish Hamilton

Whether it was good corned beef, a new pair of shoes, tires for the family car, a mink stole or printed invitations for that special family event, everything a family could want was once available from a Jewish merchant in downtown Hamilton.

The Jewish Voice of Hamilton preserved

The Hebrew type used to print Hamilton’s only Yiddish-language newspaper will be displayed at the University of Toronto’s Massey Library.


Steven Brock
August 2011

Over the years many shops and stores have come and gone across the Hamilton Jewish landscape.  Among the legends of this town is the story of Sam, Lily and the rest of the Buchalter family whose Dream Home Furniture Store outfitted so many of the homes in the ar…

Jewish Voice of Hamilton

Wendy Schneider
Hamilton Jewish News
August 2010


It was a wholly unexpected but welcome discovery. The revelation that in the 1930s, there had been a locally published Yiddish language newspaper was exciting news to the creators of the Jewish Hamilton Project. Further investigation brou…